Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chicks of the Week: Olympic Special

Hello once again, faithful readers. I've not had much inspiration over the last few days or so, so forgive me for not updating. I'm sure you wouldn't have wanted to read stuff like:

WokE up tOdayz, saw the tiMe so late aDi. Sighz ZzZzz.

Ate breakfast but nothing special lorzZz. I have no idea foR the NeEd to alTerNate betWeEn uPpEr and LoWer case letterIng.

You can read all that bullshit at all your other friend's blogs. So anyways, what better than to cash in on media hype once again and pretend to be cool and in the know. The Olympics of course are on now and the media is buzzing with it.

With the Olympics, and sports in general, we are guarenteed, fit, well-toned women sweating their asses off to win some gold for their respective countries. Here are just a few sexy olympians to whet your appetite.

First up, Stephanie Rice,golden girl of Australia's swim team. She's only 20 this year and there are some raunchy pics floating around the net of this beauty which were ordered by Swimming Australia to be taken down by Rice herself.

Next we have, Francesca Piccinini, Italian volleyball player who also, has some not so decent pics of her floating around the net.

Australian softball shortstop, Natalie Ward, is next. She has won the bronze at the 1996 and 2000 Olympics and a silver in the 2004 edition. Nevermind that softball is an absolute joke, we have her to enjoy.

Heather Mitts, 30 year old member of the American Women's Soccer team. In 2004, Mitts was voted as "Hottest Female Athlete" by the users of It's not hard to see why.

Haley Cope is next, member of the US swimming team. The hot blonde has done other stuff such as photoshoots for Maxim, FHM & Playboy. Anyone who does that deserves a place in my book. For some reason she reminds me a wee bit of Hayden Panetierre?

Lastly, I bring you Brazilian twins, Bia & Branca Feres, both are synchronised swimmers and are 19 years old. Ah, this duo definitely brings the "samba" and give us reason to watch synchronised swimming, even if it means you feel like scratching out your eyes at boredom.

That's it from me this week. I'll be going off to London for roughly 2 weeks, so hang in there yea? I know it'll be hard without updates but I believe in you.

Give me to courage to change what I can,
The serenity to accept what I can't,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
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