Thursday, February 28, 2008

Girls Girls Girls

Famous song by Motley Crue that. Go download it and see.

Kay with the introduction outta the way. DOWN TO SERIOUS BUSINESS!!!!!! I mean it this time.

I just wanna add, this is not an AI(American Idol) blog. I just write about what I saw/heard/felt during the day and most of the time it will be about the entertainment business and sometimes sports.

So, where do I begin... Oh gawd, Last 10 girls. *Tsk tsk tsk* very sad.

I'm too lazy to rip into each and everyone of them individually for tonights performance. I'll just summarize the performance.

*With the exception of Carly.

Song choice tonight was shocking, and nobody stood out in particular. Except Carly of course.

I'll split them up into 3 tiers.

1st Tier are confirmed entries into the finals, strong favourites.
2nd Tier are those that can sing well, but are not as good as the 1st tier. Good chance of making it into the Finals.
3rd Tier are those that are just there to make up the numbers. Waiting to get eliminated.

Tier Uno:
  1. Carly (Tatooted, Irish) - By far the strongest female contestant. Very professional and good voice.
  2. Syesha - Very very smooth voice. Should sail through to the finals easily.

Tier Dos:
  1. Kady Malloy (Blonde, looks like Britney) - She has talent, just not picked the right songs yet. The way she sings is effortless and all good singers have that.
  2. Amanda Overmyer (Punk Nurse) - My 2nd favourite from the girls. I think she will go through as well. I love the tone of her voice.
  3. Alaina Whitaker (Ali Larter/Carrie Underwood) - I think she has some potential. Sweet girl and pretty face. On the fence. Very similar to Kady but not as good vocally, which could split the votes when people choose between the 2.
Tier Tres:
  1. Brooke (Good Girl) - I'm starting to really dislike this girl, she's just so irritating and "fake". Average voice.
  2. Kristy Lee Cook (HOT!!!!!!!!) - Phew, the hottest contestant to be on Idol for a while. I think her looks will get her through but her voice is nothing special.
  3. Ramielle (Phillipino, Hawaiian looking) - I also don't like her. Nothing too special but I got this feeling she'll be like that Hawaiian girl from a few seasons ago who got into the top 3.

Rest of them are forgettable.

Been a long read, I'll stop here today.

and go listen to paramore.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Post Numero Uno

Haha, ok. First post. Can't believe I'm blogging but it's really not. I just made this up to vent some thoughts and rubbish. This won't be your typical, I hate this bitch hope she dies. My life is sad, I need to commit suicide style blog. It'll be light-hearted and full of crap.

I'll be too lazy to post vids and photos too often and also too lazy to design a proper page so I'm gonna leave it like this.

OK! Now that that's off my chest, DOWN TO SERIOUS BUSINESS!!! well, not really.

American Idol, to those who watch it. Still the semi-finals. Last 10 guys.

My personal favourite is Michael Jon(s), love his voice and the style he sings. David C. also has an excellent tone. For now though the 4 confirmed to go into the finals in my opinion are... (drumroll)

Jason LongDreads

Michael Jon

David Archuleta (stunning performance)

David C.

Out this week should be... Danny Noriega I frickin hate this piece of crap. I think the Idol producers screwed up on this one. Tomorrow is girls night, not tonight. And sadly Jason Yeager. Average voice, average appearance, AVERAGE!

Thats all from me tonight, the blog will be back...

After the break.

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